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http:///mymemo.xyz/wiki/api.php?action=feedcontributions&feedformat=atom&user= miniwiki - 利用者の投稿記録 [ja] 2024-06-23T11:43:16Z 利用者の投稿記録 MediaWiki 1.31.0 テンプレート:世田谷区の町名 2016-10-21T10:28:54Z <p> </p> <hr /> <div>{{Navbox<br /> |name = 世田谷区の町名<br /> |state = {{{state|autocollapse}}}<br /> |titlestyle = background:#efefef;<br /> |bodystyle = background:#f9f9f9;<br /> |groupstyle = background:#efefef;vertical-align:top;padding:0.125em 0.25em;<br /> |liststyle = width:auto;<br /> |oddstyle = background:#fcfcfc;<br /> |evenstyle =<br /> |title = [[File:Flag of Setagaya, Tokyo.svg|30px]] [[世田谷区]]の[[世田谷区の町名|町名]]<br /> |group1 = 世田谷地域<br /> |list1 = [[池尻 (世田谷区)|池尻]](四丁目の一部を除く) &amp;#124; [[上馬]] &amp;#124; [[経堂]] &amp;#124; [[駒沢]](一・二丁目) &amp;#124; [[桜 (世田谷区)|桜]] &amp;#124; [[桜丘 (世田谷区)|桜丘]] &amp;#124; [[三軒茶屋]] &amp;#124; [[下馬 (世田谷区)|下馬]] &amp;#124; [[世田谷 (世田谷区)|世田谷]] &amp;#124; [[太子堂 (世田谷区)|太子堂]] &amp;#124; [[弦巻]] &amp;#124; [[野沢 (世田谷区)|野沢]] &amp;#124; [[三宿]] &amp;#124; [[宮坂]] &amp;#124; [[若林 (世田谷区)|若林]]<br /> |group2 = [[北沢地域]]<br /> |list2 = [[赤堤]] &amp;#124; [[池尻 (世田谷区)|池尻]](四丁目33~39番のみ) &amp;#124; [[梅丘]] &amp;#124; [[大原 (世田谷区)|大原]] &amp;#124; [[豪徳寺 (地名)|豪徳寺]] &amp;#124; [[桜上水]] &amp;#124; [[北沢 (世田谷区)|北沢]] &amp;#124; [[代沢]] &amp;#124; [[代田 (世田谷区)|代田]] &amp;#124; [[羽根木]] &amp;#124; [[松原 (世田谷区)|松原]]<br /> |group3 = [[玉川地域]]<br /> |list3 = [[奥沢]] &amp;#124; [[尾山台]] &amp;#124; [[上野毛]] &amp;#124; [[上用賀]] &amp;#124; [[駒沢]](三 - 五丁目) &amp;#124; [[駒沢オリンピック公園|駒沢公園]] &amp;#124; [[桜新町]] &amp;#124; [[新町 (世田谷区)|新町]] &amp;#124; [[瀬田 (世田谷区・川崎市)|瀬田]] &amp;#124; [[玉川 (世田谷区)|玉川]] &amp;#124; [[玉川台]] &amp;#124; [[玉川田園調布]] &amp;#124; [[玉堤]] &amp;#124; [[等々力 (世田谷区)|等々力]] &amp;#124; [[中町 (世田谷区)|中町]] &amp;#124; [[野毛 (世田谷区)|野毛]] &amp;#124; [[東玉川]] &amp;#124; [[深沢 (世田谷区)|深沢]] &amp;#124; [[用賀]]<br /> |group4 = [[砧地域]]<br /> |list4 = [[宇奈根]] &amp;#124; [[大蔵 (世田谷区)|大蔵]] &amp;#124; [[岡本 (世田谷区)|岡本]] &amp;#124; [[鎌田 (世田谷区)|鎌田]] &amp;#124; [[喜多見]] &amp;#124; [[砧 (世田谷区)|砧]] &amp;#124; [[砧公園]] &amp;#124; [[成城]] &amp;#124; [[祖師谷]] &amp;#124; [[千歳台]] &amp;#124; [[船橋 (世田谷区)|船橋]]<br /> |group5 = [[千歳村 (東京府)|烏山地域]]<br /> |list5 = [[粕谷]] &amp;#124; [[上北沢 (世田谷区)|上北沢]] &amp;#124; [[上祖師谷]] &amp;#124; [[烏山 (世田谷区)|北烏山]] &amp;#124; [[給田 (世田谷区)|給田]] &amp;#124; [[八幡山 (世田谷区)|八幡山]] &amp;#124; [[烏山 (世田谷区)|南烏山]]<br /> }}&lt;noinclude&gt;<br /> [[Category:東京都の町・字のテンプレート|せたかやく]]<br /> [[Category:世田谷区の町名|*]]<br /> &lt;/noinclude&gt;</div>
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